luni, 20 iulie 2009

Traieste ...daca te fute grija!

Acum o luna si ceva faceam spume la gura aici. Nu degeaba, biensur! Dupa o luna si cateva zile primesc mail de la un reprezentant al Satanei cum ca totul e ok si ca si-au dat seama in urma investigatiilor ca suma pe care o aveam de platit a aparut din cauza unei erorii umane. Urmarea fiind ca tot ce inseamna in plus si (mai nou) penalizari de neplata (ale greselii lor) se vor sterge cu buretele. Cu ajutorul unor scuze penibile si corporatist-ratate. Bon! Deci castig si totul revine la normal. Cazul inchis si berea bauta... not so quick! Observ cu mirare ca socoteala nu iese; ramane un 54 Ron de platit ...asa din eter (branduit Vodafone). Asa ca intreb operatorii/reprezentantii Vodafone via telefon (am ales *222 gratis si obositor in ciuda faptului ca exista *555 rapid si taxat cu zero virgula saizecisiceva de bistari... ce om sunt!). Tanti de acolo a incercat vreo 15 minunte sa inteleaga toata povestea, dar mai ales... de ce un om caruia Vodafone i-a dat dreptate suna nemultumit inapoi. Asta, recunosc, nici eu n-as intelege daca n-as fi eu. Asadar ii explic intr-un final ca nu mai trebuie sa platesc cele 4 milioane (vechi) jumate dar ca au ramas vreo 5 sute de mii (tot vechi) pe care nu ma induplec sa le trec cu vederea... si ca acele 5 sute de mii (vechi.. ce dracu!) sunt de fapt TVA-ul sumei pe care mi-au bagat-o pe gat (in the first place)!!!

Reluare a frazei de mai sus: "...acele 5 sute de mii sunt de fapt TVA-ul sumei pe care mi-au bagat-o pe gat!!!"

Revin: Domnisoara cu pricina a parut ca intelege ca eu NU VREAU sa platesc TVA pe o greseala recunoscuta de Vodafone. Si deasemeni, ca nu exista TVA atunci cand o suma care nu a fost platita se scade.. si care nu exista decat scrisa, in pizda masii de treaba! Ati innebunit frate? E cald la sediu acolo? N-aveti aer? Creier? Cum dracu sa platesc asa ceva? Ce scrie pe factura? Servicii TVA? Am gresit, recunoastem, asta e nota de plata? Sunt taxat pentru ca am avut dreptate? Mda.. asta suna chiar coerent-romaneste. Asadar castig deci pierd. Probabil pentru ca traiesc.


if you took a picture of a sexy naked woman, cut and pixelated part of it to make it look like the picture was still loading, then put a javascript on the page that made the browser look like its thinking, you could hypothetically trap perverts there forever!
[PseudoNym00] I'm a genius!

[PseudoNym00] and have engineered my own demise


So I laughed ...and I created his nemesis!


Recomand cele 52 de minute de Radiohead ca medicament impotriva durerilor de ego.

E luni deci e dimineata! Episodul 22

vineri, 17 iulie 2009

Episode 21

Advertising strigoi

Multumita mie, Strigoi The Movie este de astazi prezent pe si se pare ca place la prima vedere. Desi as vrea sa (le) dau un contact care se ocupa de productia cu pricina, ma multumesc sa ma dau mare strainezilor cu filmul britanico-român-dar mai mult român.

I like a good english synopsis for a romanian movie in the morning:

"Vlad investigates a mysterious death in his grandfather's village that raises questions about land ownership in the community. The trail points to ex-communist bully Constantin Tirescu and his wife, but when Vlad confronts them, he discovers that the richest landowners in the village have become real bloodsuckers.


miercuri, 15 iulie 2009

Fuck Yeah!!

Some people are born strigoi and some people become strigoi ...after death
may become the coolest romanian (?) film tag line. And if not.. this movie could wash away all the shit that we're so proud about. Wake the fuck up people... Strigoi movie is about to rise the dead film directors from their confy graves. Yeah, i say so! Comment on this assholes! Horror is here to stay! FINALY!

cool movie site here:

Get mad already!

i love it when people get mad typographically!

Human invaders

It took them 4 hours, 67 people and 390 photos for 3 minutes of animation. Well, thanks to Guillaum Reymond and co. Website here.

I am mail

I get mail; therefore I am.

Scott Raymond Adams (born June 8, 1957)
is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip

Fucking hipo


marți, 14 iulie 2009


by Joey Alison Sayers

Cheap as a zombie

Hollywood eyes
$70 zombie movie
wowing Cannes

A budding British director is enjoying success on a shoestring at Cannes with "Colin," a new zombie feature that cost a scarcely believable $70 to make. (more here)

nu ma pot abtine sa nu revin asupra subiectului...

Two episodes day!

Vive la France! Today we have our regular Propaganda or bust! episode (17) plus and extra special guest writter episode (18). So digg in ...what are you waiting fo'?

Client feedback

Andy Warhol's Campbell Soup 1, 1968

...and the client feedback: Make the logo bigger.

more client feedback on art here

sâmbătă, 11 iulie 2009

Fresh nerd news

Reynolds to play Green Lantern
Ryan Reynolds has been cast as the Green Lantern in a new comic book adaptation, according to Hollywood industry magazine, Variety.


Stabba stabba!

found somewhere on

vineri, 10 iulie 2009

Homo Rembrandus est

Un utilizator al sitului vinde una bucata "Nud Rembrand". Nimeni nu s-a inghesuit sa negocieze putin pretul de 200.000 euro, ci doar sa intrebe daca este Rembrand nud sau nud-ul pictat de el. Yeah, i know, not funny. Not a bit!

Episode fifteen

miercuri, 8 iulie 2009

A clean death

Billy Mays (July 20, 1958 – June 28, 2009) was the salesperson most notable for promoting OxiClean (Orange Glo, and other cleaning, home-based, and maintenance products) on TV.

from, Mike Luckovich

Burn baby burn!

This AWSOME device turns every piece of toast over to the dark side - burning an image of Vader, duh!! So fuck off!!

Preorder now: $54.99 (US and Canada)



Digestiv vorbind, aceste sunete si imagini ne incanta.
Replay please!

Episode thirteen

luni, 6 iulie 2009

Invitation to history

This is one fucking-super-awsome-not-to-miss-or-die-as-a-cunt crew invitation to the special screening of Alien. "Yeah, so..?" you say? FUCK YOU!

more from here: zen171398

Wild Wild Typo

Sometimes i wish i could do that with just a double clik.
But who the fuck cares what i wish for. I don't.

img source:


Dupa douazeci si ceva de ani am pus (imaginar) o piesa jazz intr-un folder, in MUSIC, in mp3 player, in buzunarul gentii, langa backpack-ul B, alaturi de 20 si ceva de perechi de incaltari, deasupra rafturilor ce contin cutiile a 10% din totalul figurinelor de dimensiuni medii, la doi pasi de Astro si inca 5 de Spike din Cowboy Bebop. Cred (cu tarie) ca jazz-ul isi gaseste calea prin timp si spatiu mai usor decat orice gand concret. Asa ca il respect. Macar luni.

img source:

Episode eleven

Monday tune!

sâmbătă, 4 iulie 2009

Hai ku zombie!

Beside of the sea
I killed my Annabel Lee
because zombies do that.

Zombie Haiku by Edgar Allen Poe

More of this in the land of

joi, 2 iulie 2009

Transfomers 2 F.A.Q.

Q: Could you sum up the film in one line of its dialogue?

A: "I am standing directly beneath the enemy's scrotum."

All of Rob's F.A.Q.s in here!


Episode nine

Bus stop God

Campania Atheist Bus continua si la NewYork cu ajutorul autobuzelor din Manhattan. (Cool shit!) Situl autobuzelor ateiste este aici, si mai multe informatii gasiti la sursa. Gata!