marți, 27 octombrie 2009

Hellboy revealed

This is it. Again! Hellboy is now joining the others into my reddest collection. There's nothing much to say, i guess the photos will do the job. I'm overexcited anyhow... So, enjoy!

stage one

stage two

and final

Hellboy head sculpture.
Height: 16 in (40 cm), Lenght: 8/11 in (20/28 cm), Weight: 15 pounds (7 Kg) Temporarily not available for sale.

duminică, 18 octombrie 2009


Nope, is not modern art, it's just a paper that was under the HB sculpt during the paint job. So, that's final: Hellboy head sculpt is done and ready to blow minds. Pictures coming soon this week, so stay close!*

* damn...i'm so excited

miercuri, 14 octombrie 2009

Up and Down sunt Sus (nu Jos)

Cu ajutorul celor de la, Up and Down au re-aparut cu brio in peisajul internaut.. ba chiar au invatat o boaba de romana! Noua lor garsoniera arata foarte bine si e intr-o zona artistica departe de traficul pornografic, pirateresc sau gsp-ist. Monitoarele mele sunt multumite de rezultat si va recomanda o rezolutie decenta. Recunosc...sunt ciudati daaar imi place look-ul lor romanesc (cred ca am luat-o razna) si cred ca lipsa nu le-a deteriorat nici un pic originalitatea sau simtul umorului. Ramane de vazut (si citit) in continuare...
Pana atunci, abonati-va de zor pe webcomics; baietii din spatele sitului sunt niste entuziasti incurabili. Ceea ce v-ar prinde numai bine.

Articolul inaugural, aici

marți, 13 octombrie 2009

I just can't get enough

Ultima achizitie (din luna asta) pentru colectia HB (imi) vine din insorita Anglie si este al dracului de rara. Epuizata din toate stocurile si intr-o editie limitata la 700 bucati, statueta cu pricina... kicks (collector's) ass! Fancy it?

Classic Comic Book Characters #1: Hellboy
Dark Horse has won wide acclaim for its successful series of "Classic Comic" statues, inspired by the "Syroco" statues of the 1940s and sculpted by those fine folks at Yoe! Studio. Nearly 50 different statues have been produced, with many selling out and commanding collector's prices.

Publication Date: February 15, 2006
Format: 5" tall, packaged in a full-color tin packaged in a full-color tin, with a button and booklet

H-day soon

Busy days these days, but don't loose faith. HB is almost ready to rule! Paint job ahead and some place to find for the show off. Till then, buy stock, kick ass, get stoned and don't believe in heaven!

vineri, 2 octombrie 2009

HB is commin' home!

Soooo... for my future sculpt project i (already) chosen Hellboy for a ride. Yes, with horn(s)! Yes, real size! Yes, a mix between Ron and Mignola's HB! Yes, my baby!

Oh.. and yes, very soon!