M-am trezit de dimineata cu o durere cervicala si un mail ce spunea: Congratulations! Am realizat destul de repede ca nu neaparat o durere o anuleaza pe prima ci si un mail matinal ce anunta faptul ca am castigat un concurs (international) pt. design de coperta de carte. Am rasfoit prin galeria unde s-au postat toate celelate design-uri si m-am simtit foarte onorat sa castig un concurs atat de strans, plin de propuneri frumoase. Sa nu mai zic de lista intrarilor (pe tari), unde chiar mi-a facut placere sa ingenunchez mama Polonie cu tot cu traditia ei pentu grafica si design. Ca sa plusez, citez si din descrierea de pe situl oficial:
"Communicating an almost overpowering dark primitivism, it succeeds because it is suggestive of so many things: ritual, mystery, violence. The dark dripping fluid (blood, poison, ink, wax?) is a wonderful Rorschach image: is it an occult, pagan, or alchemical symbol; the beginning letters of an interrupted word; a crucifix; or a purely accidental spill with no meaning whatsoever? The torn page, the faded text with the English words January and February clearly visible and repeated, the text that appears to be written by hand but on closer inspection is not; all of these little mysteries compound the sense of general unease. In short, we loved it and feel that it well represents the themes present in Eco’s remarkable novel."
more here: venusfebriculosa.com
Brusc intelegi pe propria piele cum o bucatica de arta poate fi interpretata cu un surplus de imaginatie si o sumedenie de detalii starnite. Punct ochit, punct lovit... si chiar punct preparat si pus in farfurie. Pe scurt, ma bucur nu pentru ca le-a placut cel mai mult, ci pentru ca i-au gasit cateva conotatii si amanunte ascunse ce n-au fost servite de la inceput, ba chiar au fost omise din meniu.
Ce am castigat azi? O dezmortire mai rapida din dimineata de vineri, am scapat de o durere cervicala, am ridicat de la posta (fara sa platesc o taxa de 60 de dolari) un OPTIMUS PRIME POWERMASTER din 1988 (editie mai rara ca papa) si... a da, 1000 de cocozauri de la organizatorii concursului. Iata si starter-ul acestori evenimente:
vineri, 30 aprilie 2010
joi, 29 aprilie 2010
There's so much fun in a fan!
marți, 27 aprilie 2010
Thing Vs Hulk
Intodeauna mi-am dorit sa vad pe viu (relativ!) un clash al greilor din lumea superheroes-ilor. Si cum e destul de greu sa iesi cu ceva in puga dintr-un magazin cu jucarii din Romania, am adunat de ici de colo si am pus de o diorama: The Thing vs The Hulk. Incluzand o decapotabila clasica neagra (de 60 cm lungime), diorama surpinde un The Thing (de 35 cm inaltime) ce are prostul obicei de a distruge masini si un Hulk ce smash-uieste tot ce ii pica in mana. Masina fiind la mijoc... guess what.
Pasul doi este montarea dioramei pe o platforma circulara ce va fi o bucata de strada (in toata regula si detaliile) si montarea led-urilor in interiorul farurilor masinii ce vor lumina la ceas de seara numai bine. Al treilea pas e o surpriza, asa ca pana la noi dezvoltari si poze stay put!
Pasul doi este montarea dioramei pe o platforma circulara ce va fi o bucata de strada (in toata regula si detaliile) si montarea led-urilor in interiorul farurilor masinii ce vor lumina la ceas de seara numai bine. Al treilea pas e o surpriza, asa ca pana la noi dezvoltari si poze stay put!
luni, 26 aprilie 2010
joi, 15 aprilie 2010
miercuri, 14 aprilie 2010
Well, yeah, Sideshow Collectibles and Hot Toys can't stop making beautiful and complex 12 inch figures. As you can see above, the prototype of Whiplash-Rourke (from Iron man 2) is now ready to tease us. Slowly to the end of the 3rd qtr. of 2010...
Tthe Whiplash 12 inch Figure features:
* Stands approximate 30 cm tall
* Over 30 points of articulation
* Authentic and detailed likeness of Mickey Rourke as Whiplash
* Newly developed head sculpt with realistic facial expression, wrinkles and beard
* Multi-layered stereoscopic hair sculpture
* Newly developed upper muscular body and arms
* Highly detailed patterned tattoos on neck, upper body, arms, palms and fingers
* Two (2) pairs of interchangeable palms
* One (1) pair for holding metallic whips
* One (1) pair of fists
* LED chest light (white light, battery operated, battery included)
* Metallic electricity generator with light-up function at the back
* Brown jumpsuit with burning effect and holes
* Hydraulic exoskeleton with brown-colored leather-like harness
* Brown leather-like belt with accessories
* One (1) pair of brown-colored buckled boots
* Necklace with cross-shaped pendant
* One (1) pair of metallic whips with realistic flashes and wires
* 12-inch figure stand with Whiplash nameplate and Iron Man 2 movie logo
* Kojun
* JC. Hong
Price: US $179.99 (plus shipping)
Tthe Whiplash 12 inch Figure features:
* Stands approximate 30 cm tall
* Over 30 points of articulation
* Authentic and detailed likeness of Mickey Rourke as Whiplash
* Newly developed head sculpt with realistic facial expression, wrinkles and beard
* Multi-layered stereoscopic hair sculpture
* Newly developed upper muscular body and arms
* Highly detailed patterned tattoos on neck, upper body, arms, palms and fingers
* Two (2) pairs of interchangeable palms
* One (1) pair for holding metallic whips
* One (1) pair of fists
* LED chest light (white light, battery operated, battery included)
* Metallic electricity generator with light-up function at the back
* Brown jumpsuit with burning effect and holes
* Hydraulic exoskeleton with brown-colored leather-like harness
* Brown leather-like belt with accessories
* One (1) pair of brown-colored buckled boots
* Necklace with cross-shaped pendant
* One (1) pair of metallic whips with realistic flashes and wires
* 12-inch figure stand with Whiplash nameplate and Iron Man 2 movie logo
* Kojun
* JC. Hong
Price: US $179.99 (plus shipping)
vineri, 9 aprilie 2010
Summer equation
Cateodata ne este imposibil sa trecem peste niste probleme (fie ele matematice). Un anume impuls animalic ne convinge sa mergem pana in panzele albe pentru a afla raspunsul corect. Sau orice fel de raspuns. Ca exemplu vin cu o poza din Constanta, unde marea atrage se pare nu numai pirati, ci si animale cu sange rece (it figures!). Anyhow, ideea ca Davy Jones si Frank the blue iguana fac o pereche de minune, chiar daca (vorba propietarului): "arata ca Godzilla pe statuia libertatii". E clar: vara vine!
luni, 5 aprilie 2010
Dark Knight The Joker 1/6 Scale Collector Figure (limited edition) a ridicat standardele DC Direct si (cu putin noroc) speram sa nu dea inapoi. Figurina lansata in vara lui 2008 are peste in jur de 20 de articulatii si vine cu o adevarata garderoba (camasa, cravata, vesta, sacou, pardesiu, pantaloni si pantofi), arsenal (3 cutite, pistol, incarcator, masca si ceva carti de joc), 3 perechi de maini, stand si o cutie din 4 pereti (unul transparent) plus inca unul exterior. Per total se ridica cu succes la nivelul Hot toys desi mai e de lucru in privinta articulatiilor si a materialelor textile. Pana vine "The Spirit" edtia Deluxe de la DC Direct, cred ca Joker-ul Heath este o companie numai buna. Ma rog... nebuna.
joi, 1 aprilie 2010
Superhero interview
man: - what super-powers do you have?
superhero: - well...uuh...
man: - Can you destroy Earth?
superhero: - Whooaa..hope not! I got all my stuff there!
from The Tick cartoons
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