joi, 23 iunie 2011

Make art not work

My work explores the relationship between emerging sexualities and multimedia experiences.

With influences as diverse as Nietzsche and Francis Bacon, new tensions are crafted from both explicit and implicit meanings.

Ever since I was a teenager I have been fascinated by the theoretical limits of the human condition. What starts out as triumph soon becomes corrupted into a hegemony of temptation, leaving only a sense of nihilism and the prospect of a new synthesis.

As temporal forms become transformed through boundaried and diverse practice, the viewer is left with a glimpse of the limits of our future.

By Sickboy

Explic imediat:

Descoperind azi generatorul de arty bollocks m-am amuzat un timp dupa care mi-am amintit ca pe acelasi principiu apar si lucrarile de arta contemporane. Random si fara consistenta. Am trantit intr-un 1 minut si 53 secunde (cu tot cu logare pe site si upload de poza) "lucrarea" de mai sus, am semnat-o si am atasat-o textului generat in prealabil. Revizuind toata tarasenia am ras si mai mult: chiar se potriveau. Asa de bine cum se potriveste arta de azi cu superficialitatea oamenilor ce o nasc si a celor ce ii dau atentie. Demonstratum Est.